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Updated Agenda Packet

The updated Agenda Packet for tonight’s meeting includes the Budget Amendment for the FY22 Budget.

Amendments include the following changes:

The budget amendment shows that we have a loss of $48,081.99, which is $3,023.33 more of a loss than we had originally anticipated in the adopted FY22 budget.

The new budget you are looking at does not reflect any income from the Sales Tax Savings Accounts, Repair and Replacement Accounts, or Grant funds. By removing the income of the Streets and Roads sales tax account and Community Development tax accounts, we lost $95,000.00 in revenue just in the Streets and Parks departments alone.  Historically we used the Streets & Roads Sales Tax funds to offset the expense to OVK for the MOA on Kasaan/Goose Creek Road maintenance.  If I had kept that in there it would show a profit on the overall budget of $26,976.67.  But we only want to spend the sales tax funding on projects that will provide larger benefits to the community in these departments. Examples of what these funds would be used on are matching grant funds for capital improvement projects, other improvements such as the $68k the council approved by resolution a month ago for OVK to fix a portion of the Kasaan Road to do some clearing and grubbing, lay back up-slopes, fill down-slopes, improve roadway sight distance, improve roadway alignment, open clogged ditches, replace failed culverts, add base rock and surfacing rock, grade and shape the road surface, and other work to make some much needed improvements to improve safety and maintainability.


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