City Council
City Council Meetings are held on the First (1st) Tuesday of every month (with the exception of October and every other November). All City Council Meetings are Open to the Public and the Public is encouraged to attend. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.

Shane Nyquest
City Council Seat G
Council Term Exp: October 2027
Mayor Term Exp: October 2024
Shane Nyquest was elected as the Mayor of Thorne Bay on November 7, 2023, for the remainder of this Council term.
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Timber Pesterfield
City Council Seat A
Council Seat Term: October 2026
A little about Councilman Hartwell:
Pesterfield was elected to City Council Seat A in 2024 for a one-year term.
Timber has been a resident of Alaska for 45 years with his wife, Trina. He runs is own floatplane business, Equinox Air and has 6 years of US Army experience as a Helicopter Mechanic.
The public is encouraged to reach out to their elected officials whenever they wish.
You may contact Councilman Pesterfield by email

Max Blair
City Council Seat B
Seat B Term Ends: October 2025
A little about Councilmember Blair:
Blair was elected to City Council Seat B for a 2-year term.
Max has been a Thorne Bay Resident for 28 years and is currently retired. His work experience includes many years working in the Department of Solid Waste for the City of Thorne Bay.
The public is encouraged to reach out to their councilmembers whenever they wish.
Please contact Max Blair by email at mblair@thornebay-ak.go

Tiana LaVoie
City Council Seat C
Council Seat Term: October 2026
A little about Councilmember LaVoie:
LaVoie was elected to the City Council Seat C in 2023 for a 3-year term.
Tiana has lived in Thorne Bay for over 25 years. She feels honored for the opportunity to listen to residents and participate in helping to keep Thorne Bay and beautiful and wonderful place to live.
Please contact Tiana LaVoie by email at

Anthony Lovell
City Council Seat D
Council Seat Term: October 2027
A little about Councilman Lovell:
Lovell was appointed to City Council Seat D in 2024.
The public is encouraged to reach out to their elected officials whenever they wish.
You may contact Councilman Lovell by email

Sean Kaer
City Council Seat E
Council Seat Term: October 2026
A little about Councilmember Kaer:
Kaer was elected to City Council Seat E in 2023 for a 3-year term.
Sean has lived in Thorne Bay for 53 years. He has experience in the fields of Fishing and Construction (Carpentry). His goal is to help keep things on track.
The public is encouraged to reach out to their councilmembers whenever they wish.
Please contact Sean Kaer by email at

Trevor Killian
City Council Seat F
Council Seat Term: October 2027
A little about Councilman Killian:
Killian was elected to City Council in 2024 for a 3-year term.
Trevor Killiam has been a resident of Alaska for 35 years and is a Timber Feller. Trevor hopes to help cultivate a safe and inviting community for all.
The public is encouraged to reach out to their elected officials whenever they wish.
You may contact Councilman Killian by email
To petition your City Council for Initiative/Referendum or Recall’s, select the button below for detailed instructions.
You may also contact the City Clerk at (907) 828-3380, or email
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