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> City Clerks Office

City Clerks Office

Our Staff

Caitlyn Sawyer
City Clerk & Treasurer


Rose Mathis
Front Desk/Accounts Receivable
Teri Feibel
Finance Officer/Accounts Payable
American flag and passport


The City of Thorne Bay offers Passport Services Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m., to 12:00 p.m. Passport Fees must be paid via check made out to the U.S. State Department. Application fees are paid directly to the facility which accepts checks, cash, or credit/debit cards.

Sales Tax

Collecting and Filing Sales Tax: Every sale which is made within the City of Thorne Bay, unless explicitly exempted by Thorne Bay Municipal Code Chapter 3.17.100, or subsequent ordinance, shall be presumed to be subject to the city sales tax of 6% imposed. Sales Tax must be filed with the City Clerk's office by the last day of the month following the quarter ending date.

Public Records

Public Records The Clerk’s office provides research to general government, the utilities and the public on questions concerning the Council’s past actions, ordinances, resolutions, etc. and provides copies of documents upon request. Public records request forms can be downloaded here.

notary the word or concept represented by wooden letter tiles

Notary Services

Notary Services The City Clerk and Accounts Payables Clerk are both notaries and provide notary service to the public. Notary services are available Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Accounting concept,Accounting staff is summarizing the company budget.

Customer Service

Parking permits Applications for parking permits are obtained and the permits issued through the Clerk’s office. Compliance with requirements of the ordinance is ascertained prior to a permit being issued. Information regarding who has a permit is transmitted to the Harbors Department and the City’s Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO).

Payment machine, POS terminal and credit cards on wooden desk

Pay a Bill

Payments for all Municipal Services are accepted at City Hall. You can make a payment in person at 120 Freeman Drive, mail payment to PO Box 19110, Thorne Bay, AK 99919, or pay by credit card over the phone on online through our Payments Page.

Our Location

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