Community Development
The Thorne Bay Comprehensive Plan is meant to work in conjunction with other city planning documents as a guide for making decisions that will affect the future of Thorne Bay. Established policy set forth in this plan will guide decisions concerning land use, the development and improvement of public facilities, transportation issues, and the capital expenditures they incur. As this is an update of the 1989 comprehensive plan, many goals, policies and information about projects and/or community concerns are new. However, to retain continuity and a fundamental essence of the original document, some text and general aspects of the plan remain the same.
Many improvements have already been made, such as removing rock on blind corners, widening several areas, evening out road beds to correct the road’s super, and removing brush along the road side. Over the next phases of road repairs, the City is planning on doing work on Steep Road, the Goose Creek Industrial area and providing topping to the entire subdivision roads.

Water & Waste Water Treatment Upgrades
Current Water and Waste Water Treatment Project Updates and Plans

Current & Active Projects & Community Development

Harbor Improvements
Current & Active Projects & Community Development
Waterfront Master Plan
Thorne Bay Waterfront Master Plan

View our Completed Projects

Kasaan Rd. Upgrades
The City of Thorne Bay and Organized Village of Kasaan are working diligently to improve the South Thorne Bay/Kasaan to Goose Creek Road. OVK's Tribal Transportation Director, Sara Yockey has dedicated her time to secure funding needed in order complete the reconstruction and upgrades of the road. The Kasaan to Goose Creek Road Project consists or 17. 5 miles from the City of Kasaan to Thorne Bay Road. Due to the extent of the project funding is being sought in phases. The current road construction is being funded through the Federal Lands Access Management grant. The Kasaan to Goose Creek Road Project will realign the existing road to provide for a new standard design speed of 35 MPH. This realignment will provide for greater sight and stopping distances. The road cross section will provide an overall road width of 24 feet providing for two-way traffic. For information regarding the maintenance and reconstruction project of the South Thorne Bay/Kasaan Road, please contact Sara Yockey, Organized Village of Kasaan at (907) 617-9970 or (907) 542-2230, Monday - Thursday 7am - 5pm. Questions may also be emailed to


Tongass National Forest
Tongass National Forest - Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment The Tongass National Forest (Tongass) amended the 2008 Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan through a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The process included public involvement, analysis in an environmental impact statement (EIS) and selection of the alternative to implement in the Record of Decision (ROD) signed on December 9, 2016.

Bridge Repairs
Southside Fabrication installing second guardrail assembly across bridge in South Thorne Bay.