Contact the City Hall at (907) 828-3380, to set up your service for water, sewer and garbage.
You may also complete the application for services online by downloading the application from our forms page, and emailing it to the Clerk’s Office at customerservice@thornebay-ak.gov, or delivering it to City Hall at 120 Freeman Drive, Thorne Bay AK 99919.
Payments are accepted via credit card, cash, check, cashiers check, or money order.
Residents who live outside of the City’s Utility Line Connections use a Water Catchment system and install a DEC approved Septic System.
Solid Waste is disposed of at the City’s Landfill located on the South Thorne Bay / Kasaan Road, in the Goose Creek Subdivision.
Payment is received at the time of service, unless prior account arrangements are approved.
To apply for a charge account for solid waste services, complete the following application:
For questions about City taxes, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (907) 828-3380, or 120 Freeman Drive, Thorne Bay, AK 99919.
No. Thorne Bay is a Second-Class City, and Property Tax is voted upon by the residents.
The only Taxes charged in Thorne Bay are:
City Sales Tax (6%)
Occupancy (Bed) Tax (4%)
To apply for a job with the City, complete an application and submit it to the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall at 120 Freeman Drive, Thorne Bay, AK 99919, or by email to cityclerk@thornebay-ak.gov.
Applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office, or online by clicking here.
You can register to vote by completing a voter registration form that is available in the Municipal Clerk’s office at 120 Freeman Drive, or online:
Contact the Department of Motor Vehicles located in Craig Alaska, at (907) 826-3959, or at 506 2nd St, Craig, AK 99921.
You can renew your Driver’s License & State ID online. Just click on the link below to find out more about how you can renew your license or ID without the long wait at the DMV office.
You can call or email individual Council members by using the contact list at this link. To send an email to all of the Council members, you can use the email address:
City Council Terms are generally 3-year terms. Should a City Council seat be declared vacant before the expiration of that term, the City Council shall appoint a registered voter of Thorne Bay to serve until the next scheduled Regular Election.
Council members are responsible for management of the city’s affairs and are held answerable to the community they serve. Title 29 of Alaska Statutes authorizes municipal governing bodies to perform many duties.
Some of the more typical duties include the following:
- Adopt a budget and file required reports with the state
- Adopt a code of ordinances and make the code available to the public
- Establish rules of procedure for the council
- Maintain a public record of meetings
- Establish election procedures
- Acquire, manage, control, use, and dispose of real and personal property A Primer for City Council Members 2017 3
- Provide for the levying of taxes
- Establish, alter, or abolish municipal departments
- Provide for fines and penalties
- Prepare a capital improvements program (CIP)
- Exercise eminent domain (that is, condemn private property for a public use)
- Hire, or confirm the hire of, the police chief, clerk, treasurer, and attorney (depending on the language in the local code)
- Establish a personnel system
- Issue bonds
- Grant, renew, or extend a franchise
- Evaluate the city administration and/or manager (In some cases, the mayor may have this responsibility.)
A city council might not actually perform all these duties, but all city councils have the authority to do so, if they choose. For example, a small city may choose not to exercise eminent domain, issue bonds, or grant a cable television franchise. A city council has other important duties in addition to those listed above.
For example:
- Hear and evaluate public testimony
- Assess the need and demand for city services
- Assess public opinion on taxes
- Plan for economic development
- Plan for the future and the well-being of the community
- Hear and respond to citizens’ concerns
- Resolve residents’ problems
- Lobby for grants and funds
- Perform ceremonial duties
Council members are paid a stipend of $100 per meetings. Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, so assuming no meetings are cancelled, the Council receives $2,400 per year.
In Thorne Bay, as a Second-Class City, there are 7 City Councilpersons elected to office. Of those 7 council members, the public will elect one of them to serve as the City’s Mayor for a two year term.

General Questions



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