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Preliminary Election Results – UN-OFFICIAL


The tally below is a true and accurate record of all votes cast in the 2019 regular city election held in the City of Thorne Bay on October 1, 2019.

SEAT A                CANDIDATE                                                     VOTE      .

Seat A.                 Roger Longbotham                                            43           .

Seat A.                 Raymond Slayton                                             46           .

Seat A.                 Everett Cook                                                       25           .

Seat A.                 Write In                                                             01          .


SEAT B                CANDIDATE                                                     VOTE      .

Seat B.                  Eric Rhodes                                                     50        .

Seat B.                  Risa Carlson                                                    55         .

Seat B.                  Write Ins                                                         02          .


SEAT C                 CANDIDATE                                                     VOTE      .

Seat C.                  Abby Cook                                                       35           .

Seat C.                  Thom Cunningham                                           25           .

Seat C.                  Rosalyn Hert                                                   36           .

Seat C.                  Write In: DeAnn Minnillo                                  11           .

Proposition #1

Shall sales tax raise 1% to fund an Emergency Services Coordinator?

                                Yes:      49      .          No:       65      .

Proposition #2

Shall the mayor be elected from the City Council by the People?

                                Yes:      91      .          No:       20      .

(Total votes counted at closing of the polls October 1, 2019 and are reflected in the results above)

Total Ballots Printed for 10/1/19 Election:                          300        .

      Total Ballots City Hall:                                           200     .

      Total Ballots Davidson Landing Hall:            100     .

The tally below is a true and accurate record of all votes cast in the 2019 regular city election held in the City of Thorne Bay on October 1, 2019.

Ballot Accountability City Hall                                                200        .

      Total Absentee in Person at City Hall:                  33       .

      Total Absentee by Mail Ballots City Hall:             02      .

       Total Questioned Ballots Cast at Polls:               04      .    

       Total Spoiled Ballots:                                         01     .    

       Total Regular Ballots:                                        116     .

       Total Unused Ballots:                                       44       . 

Ballot Accountability Davidson Landing                              100        .

       Total Absentee in Person Davidson Landing:        47     .

       Total Spoiled Ballots Davidson Landing:                01      .

       Total Unused Ballots Davidson Landing:               52      . 

TOTAL BALLOTS RECEIVED FROM ELECTION SUPERVISOR:                                                                 300

                                                          VOTES CAST AND COUNTED AT THE POLLS:               116      .

                                                          ABSENTEE BY-MAIL & IN-PERSON:                       82        .

                                                          SPOILED BALLOTS TOTAL:                                           02       .          

                                                          QUESTIONED BALLOTS:                                               04       .                                

                                                          TOTAL BALLOTS RETURNED TO CLERK:                          96       .

GRAND TOTAL:                                                                                                                                                           300      .

(grand total of all ballots should equal those received from election supervisor)

The tally of voters was completed between the hours of  8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., October 1, 2019.